Peregrinations: a meandering journey in mixed media

Way back when I first started this blog I was interesting in art journaling and followed Tammy Garcia over at Daisy Yellow. My interest didn’t last but something Tammy wrote did, “you don’t have to catch up, you just need to start.” And start I did.

I’ve explored natural fibres and dyes, paper, fabric, wire, encaustic medium, ceramics, and paint. I’ve used them traditionally and in unconventional ways, meandering where impulse and curiosity led me. Hence my small solo show “Peregrinations” at A Gallery in Whanganui.

While the scope of my work is broad, it reflects my love of the transparent, the delicate, the marginal annd neglected as well as my desire to convey raw emotion as a personal response to the environment and society.

I have always said I use paint but don’t actually paint. It’s vaguely annoying that everyone who learns you make art assumes you’re a painter so that statement was often trotted out – no longer though as I have exhibited and sold my first painting! He’s ‘That Guy’, the image below. He kept turning up in my sketchbook and one day made it in paint without my really asking him to. I haven’t drawn him since, nor do I know what he’s so concerned about.

I’ve flirted with painting off and on over the decades but interest quickly waned each time . . . perhaps because I didn’t have time to devote to it, through a lack of encouragement, or access to teaching. Now, all of that is readily available online and through friends I have made. So, painting! Me! Painting! How long will it last before being eclipsed by something else? I have no way of telling but while it’s fun . . . .

And some gallery shots for those of you who can’t make it to the gallery.

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About late start studio

I think the blog title says it all! Or so I thought when I began blogging. Since then I realise that I began my life as a maker very young. The 'late start' is in taking being a Maker seriously . . . giving it the capital letter it deserves. Over the years I have acquired a wide variety of skills , some through need and other through simple curiosity and now that I have resigned from the paid workforce, I am happily pursuing Making with creativity, originality and discipline.

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